Then, just recently, a VMware Communities forum post made me realize that we had not yet shared this function with the world. So, here we go:
<# .Description Function to find what VM (if any) is using a LUN as an RDM, based on the LUN's SCSI canonical name. Assumes that the best practice of all hosts in a cluster seeing the same LUNs is followed. vNugglets, originally from Nov 2011 .Example Get-VMWithGivenRDM -CanonicalName naa.60000970000192602222333031314444 -Cluster myCluster0 | ft -a Find a VM using the given LUN as an RDM, formatting output in auto-sized table. Output would be something like: VMName VMDiskName DeviceDisplayName CanonicalName ------ ---------- ----------------- ------------- Hard disk 10 myvm033-data3FS naa.60000970000192602222333031314444 .Outputs Zero or more PSObjects with info about the VM and its RDM #> function Get-VMWithGivenRDM { param( ## Canonical name of the LUN in question [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$CanonicalNameOfRDMToFind_arr, ## Cluster whose hosts see this LUN [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ClusterName_str ) ## end param ## get the View object of the cluster in question $viewCluster = Get-View -ViewType ClusterComputeResource -Property Name -Filter @{"Name" = "^$([RegEx]::escape($ClusterName_str))$"} ## get the View of a host in the given cluster (presumably all hosts in the cluster see the same storage) $viewHostInGivenCluster = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name -SearchRoot $viewCluster.MoRef | Get-Random ## get the Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun property of the host (retrieved _after_ getting the View object for speed, as this property is only retrieved for this object, not all hosts' View objects) $viewHostInGivenCluster.UpdateViewData("Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun") ## if matching device(s) found, store some info for later use $arrMatchingDisk = &{ ## get the View objects for all VMs in the given cluster Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name, Config.Hardware.Device -SearchRoot $viewCluster.MoRef | %{$viewThisVM = $_ ## for all of the RDM devices on this VM, see if the canonical name matches the canonical name in question $viewThisVM.Config.Hardware.Device | ?{($_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualDisk]) -and ("physicalMode","virtualMode" -contains $_.Backing.CompatibilityMode)} | %{ $hdThisDisk = $_ $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk = $viewHostInGivenCluster.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun | ?{$_.UUID -eq $hdThisDisk.Backing.LunUuid} ## if the canonical names match, create a new PSObject with some info about the VirtualDisk and the VM using it if ($CanonicalNameOfRDMToFind_arr -contains $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk.CanonicalName) { New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ VMName = $viewThisVM.Name VMDiskName = $hdThisDisk.DeviceInfo.Label CanonicalName = $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk.CanonicalName DeviceDisplayName = $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk.DisplayName } ## end new-object } ## end if } ## end foreach-object } ## end foreach-object } ## end scriptblock ## if a matching device was found, output its info if ($arrMatchingDisk) {$arrMatchingDisk | Select VMName, VMDiskName, DeviceDisplayName, CanonicalName} ## else, say so else {Write-Verbose -Verbose "Booo. No matching disk device with canonical name in '$CanonicalNameOfRDMToFind_arr' found attached to a VM as an RDM in cluster '$ClusterName_str'"} } ## end fnSome example usage:
PS vN:\> Get-VMWithGivenRDM -CanonicalName naa.60000123412342602222333031314444 -Cluster myMegaCluster VMName VMDiskName DeviceDisplayName CanonicalName ------ ---------- ----------------- ------------- Hard disk 13 myvm002-dataFS_7 naa.60000123412342602222333031314444 ...
The point of having a Cluster param is to focus the scope of the search (one generally knows to what set of hosts a particular LUN has been presented).
And, some thoughts on how to make this function even better:
- take cluster input from pipeline
- add ability to check entire vCenter inventory, but keep things fast by first narrowing scope to only the VMHosts that see given device, then check those hosts' clusters for a VM with RDM using said device (removes need for "Cluster" param)
- maybe: add other info to output object, if there are other things that would be useful/valuable
So, how does this do -- FaF for you, too? Yeah, just as we thought!
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