The goal of this lab was to continue on from last year's lab, the PowerCLI lab from Demo Day 2011.
This year's lab starts out with some 101/102-level types of exercises and info, and then progresses into 200-level PowerCLI (and maybe a bit beyond). I cut off the lab guide at thirty (30) pages -- there is so much to cover, and thirty pages got us through about 75% of the material we outlined to discuss. Now we have leftovers for next time.
This year's lab guide is available at:
and, if you want it for your offline reading pleasure, it is available for download at:
Have a look. There are some lab-environment-specific items in the guide, like vCenter server names, VM Host names, VM names, etc., but the knowledge still carries/shines through. If there are things that do not make sense or on which you have questions, hit us up -- let us know.
The environment the day of the event: there was definite room for improvement. The infrastructure was not put in until the day before the event, which makes building it out a bit of a rush, and does not provide for much capacity/performance testing. Unfortunately, the user experience suffered due to sub-optimal infrastructure performance.
As for managing the lab -- setting up vApps, configuring the View desktops from which users accessed their individual labs, resetting lab environments when users were done with their lab, etc., we had a running doc in which we put code snippets that we used throughout the day. I have posted it below.
Keep in mind, this is not a polished set of code, not a top-shelf stack of command, not a suggestion on how to run your show -- it is what evolved the day of the event. We are posting it here for the entertainment/educational value, to show the answer to the "how did you do that on the day of the event?". So, for fun, here is the mostly-raw code we came up with and used. Enjoy:
## various code snipplets used in course of managing lab env. ## vNugglets, Jul 2012 ## get the vC admin creds $credVCAdmin = Get-Credential administrator Connect-VIServer vmug-vc01 -Credential $credVCAdmin ## to start SSH on VMHosts Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | ?{$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | ?{$_.Running -eq $false} | Start-VMHostService -Confirm:$false ## to stop SSH on VMHosts Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | ?{$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | ?{$_.Running -eq $true} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false ## get creds for ESXi hosts $credESXiRoot = Get-Credential root ## arr of all VMHosts names $arrVMHostNames = Get-VMHost | %{$_.Name} ## cmd to add the given line to the config file on VMHosts $strCmdToRun = "echo 'vhv.allow = ```"TRUE```"' >> /etc/vmware/config" ## cmd to echo out the config file #$strCmdToRun = "cat /etc/vmware/config" $arrVMHostNames | %{plink.exe -l root -pw rootPasswd $_ $strCmdToRun} ## added add'l portgroup to the std vSwitch0 Get-Cluster | Get-VMHost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name vSwitch0 | %{New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch $_ -Name PowerCLI-32 -VLanId 132 -Confirm:$false} Get-Cluster | Get-VMHost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name vSwitch0 | %{New-VirtualPortGroup -VirtualSwitch $_ -Name SRM-32 -VLanId 232 -Confirm:$false} ############### ## clone vApps ## name of cluster in which to make vApps $strVDIAndMgmtClustername = "VDI and Management" ## prefix name of the vApp #$strVAppNamePrefix = "SRM" $strVAppNamePrefix = "PowerCLI" ## the name of the source vApp to clone $strSourceVAppName = "base_PowerCLI_done" #$strSourceVAppName = "base_SRM-00_CLONE" ## clone the vApp 21..25 | %{ $strNewVAppName = "$strVAppNamePrefix-{0:d2}" -f $_ #$dstToUse = Get-Datastore vapp-vmfs* | sort FreeSpaceMB -Descending:$true | select -First 1 $dstToUse = Get-Datastore vapp-vmfs* | Get-Random New-VApp -Name $strNewVAppName -Location (Get-Cluster $strVDIAndMgmtClustername | Get-VMHost | Get-Random) -Datastore $dstToUse -VApp $strSourceVAppName -RunAsync } ## end foreach-object ## when clones are done, can move the vApps to the given folder $strFolderToWhichToMoveVApp = "${strVAppNamePrefix}_vApps" ## vApp inventory folder is PowerCLI_vApps or SRM_vApps $oDestFolder = Get-Folder $strFolderToWhichToMoveVApp Get-VApp "$strVAppNamePrefix*" | ?{$_.ExtensionData.ParentFolder.ToString() -ne $oDestFolder.Id} | Move-VApp -Destination $oDestFolder ## set proper NetworkName for NIC on VMs in the vApps (portgroup names match the vApp names); -NetworkName param is cASeSensitIVe! 21..25 | %{ $intLabNumber = $_ $strVAppName = "$strVAppNamePrefix-{0:d2}" -f $intLabNumber Get-VApp $strVAppName | Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $strVAppName -Confirm:$false } ## end foreach-object ## end clone vApps ############### ############### ## prep vApps ## take snapshots of vApp VMs -- do in PoweredOn or PoweredOff state? #$strVAppNamePrefix = "SRM" $strVAppNamePrefix = "PowerCLI" 21..25 | %{ ## make vApp name $strNewVAppName = "$strVAppNamePrefix-{0:d2}" -f $_ Get-VApp $strNewVAppName | Get-VM | New-Snapshot -Name "0" -Description "Initial state" -Memory -Quiesce -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } ## end foreach-object 21..25 | %{$strNewVAppName = "$strVAppNamePrefix-{0:d2}" -f $_; Get-VApp $strNewVAppName | Start-VApp -Confirm:$false -RunAsync} ## for the PowerCLI stuff -- restart the ESXi VMs so that vC shows them as powered on #21..25 | %{$strNewVAppName = "$strVAppNamePrefix-{0:d2}" -f $_; Get-VApp $strNewVAppName | Get-VM esxi* | Restart-VM -Confirm:$false} 21..22 | %{ ## make vApp name $strNewVAppName = "$strVAppNamePrefix-{0:d2}" -f $_ Get-VApp $strNewVAppName | Get-VM | New-Snapshot -Name "1" -Description "Powered on" -Memory -Quiesce -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } ## end foreach-object ## end prep vApps ############### $strVDIVMsBaseName = "PowerCLI" 21..25 | %{Get-VM $("vm-${strVDIVMsBaseName}-{0:d2}" -f $_)} | %{ #Get-VM "vm-${strVDIVMsBaseName}-*" | %{ $strVMName = $_.Name Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_ -Name "Network Adapter 2" | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $strVMName.Trim("vm-") -Confirm:$false -WhatIf } ## end foreach-Object #-- CHECK ON POWERCLI-06, SRM-03, SRM07 -- not sure 2nd nic is on right virtual network ############### ## reset vApp for next user -- revert all VMs in the vApp to snapshot $strVAppToReset = "PowerCLI-03" $strSnapshotName = "1" $vappToReset = Get-VApp $strVAppToReset ## stop VMs in vApp #$vappToReset | Get-VM | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false $vappToReset | Get-VM | Set-VM -Snapshot $strSnapshotName -Confirm:$false ## start the vApp if reverting to snapshot 0 (if snapshot 1, the VMs were on) #$vappToReset | Start-VApp -Confirm:$false Get-VM "vm-$strVAppToReset" | Restart-VMGuest -Confirm:$false ## end reset vApp -- revert all VMs in the vApp to snapshot ############### ## reporting stuff ## show snapshots for each vApp 11..20 | %{Get-VApp powercli-$_} | %{$strVAppName = $_.Name; Get-VM -Location $_ | Get-Snapshot | Select @{n="vapp";e={$strVAppName}},Name,VM}
And, other guys besides Allen and Matt of and the VMUG team that put in work to make the labs happen: big Joe Filippello (@joefilippello, and Jaron Hilger (@hilgertech). Thanks, guys.
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