function Get-VMByAddress { <# .Description Find all VMs w/ a NIC w/ the given MAC address or IP address (by IP address relies on info returned from VMware Tools in the guest, so those must be installed). Includes FindByIPWildcard, so that one can find VMs that approximate IP, like "10.0.0.*" .Example Get-VMByAddress -MAC 00:50:56:00:00:02 VMName MacAddress ------ ---------- dev0-server 00:50:56:00:00:02,00:50:56:00:00:04 Get VMs with given MAC address, return VM name and its MAC addresses .Example Get-VMByAddress -IP VMName IPAddr ------ ------ dev0-server2,,,fe80::... Get VMs with given IP as reported by Tools, return VM name and its IP addresses .Example Get-VMByAddress -AddressWildcard 10.0.0.* VMName IPAddr ------ ------ someVM0,fe80::... someVM2,fe80::... ... Get VMs matching the given wildcarded IP address #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName="FindByMac")] param ( ## MAC address in question, if finding VM by MAC; expects address in format "00:50:56:83:00:69" [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="FindByMac")][string]$MacToFind_str, ## IP address in question, if finding VM by IP [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="FindByIP")][ValidateScript({[bool][System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($_)})][string]$IpToFind_str, ## wildcard string IP address (standard wildcards like "10.0.0.*"), if finding VM by approximate IP [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="FindByIPWildcard")][string]$AddressWildcard_str ) ## end param Process { Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FindByMac" { ## return the some info for the VM(s) with the NIC w/ the given MAC Get-View -Viewtype VirtualMachine -Property Name, Config.Hardware.Device | Where-Object {$_.Config.Hardware.Device | Where-Object {($_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCard]) -and ($_.MacAddress -eq $MacToFind_str)}} | select @{n="VMName"; e={$_.Name}},@{n="MacAddress"; e={($_.Config.Hardware.Device | Where-Object {$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualEthernetCard]} | %{$_.MacAddress} | sort) -join ","}} break; } ## end case {"FindByIp","FindByIPWildcard" -contains $_} { ## scriptblock to use for the Where clause in finding VMs $sblkFindByIP_WhereStatement = if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FindByIPWildcard") {{$_.IpAddress | Where-Object {$_ -like $AddressWildcard_str}}} else {{$_.IpAddress -contains $IpToFind_str}} ## return the .Net View object(s) for the VM(s) with the NIC(s) w/ the given IP Get-View -Viewtype VirtualMachine -Property Name, Guest.Net | Where-Object {$_.Guest.Net | Where-Object $sblkFindByIP_WhereStatement} | Select @{n="VMName"; e={$_.Name}}, @{n="IPAddr"; e={($_.Guest.Net | %{$_.IpAddress} | sort) -join ","}} } ## end case } ## end switch } ## end process } ## end function
A few examples of using the function to find VMs by various addresses (as shown in the comment-based help, too):
PS vN:\> Get-VMByAddress -MAC 00:50:56:00:00:02 VMName MacAddress ------ ---------- dev0-server 00:50:56:00:00:02,00:50:56:00:00:04 PS vN:\> Get-VMByAddress -IP VMName IPAddr ------ ------ dev0-server2,,,fe80::... PS vN:\> Get-VMByAddress -AddressWildcard 10.0.0.* VMName IPAddr ------ ------ someVM0,fe80::... someVM2,fe80::... ...
There are several places on the web that talk about getting VMs' IPs, getting their MAC addresses, exporting them, and so on, but this is for getting VMs based on the given address. Note: Since IP address info in vCenter is gotten from guest OSes via VMware Tools, this function is going to rely on that info. And, since the function uses everyone's favorite cmdlet, Get-View, and the calls with this cmdlet are properly tuned, you know that it is going to be FaF!